Arcturian collective for Naomi Cook This was a huge surprise to me, but at the same time not really. It seems to me that these Arcturians are the same ones

Galactic connection for Julie I feel so blessed for being able to connect to these beings. I tuned into the flashes you see in the sky to see who is

Artwork created for a book The Zero Point: The True Story of a Woman’s Cosmic Journey with Star Beings (Volume 1) by Alexa Person

Done for Cosmic Disclosure episodes on Gaia.

Done for Cosmic Disclosure episodes on Gaia.

Done for Cosmic Disclosure episodes on Gaia.

Done for Cosmic Disclosure episodes on Gaia.

Eclipse for Jewel I will go straight to the transcript of my communication. It was a very enlightening conversation and I did my best to write down what I was

Nimai the Pleiadian for Jessica The name came through at the very end after I have finished the portrait. I then looked it up and to my surprise it means

Golden beings for Isabela This is a reminder for you. They want to remind you why you are here in this Now. Earth, the blue marble. A precious jewel. It