This is a very old benevolent reptilian being (STO), and very wise. He is a teacher, in his own race as well as others. An elder. He is like a

I have to say I got very excited connecting with this being! At first I though Arcturian, but I am not so sure anymore. Still might be, however she is

“Many species want to evolve away from the home planet. We evolve our home planet instead. Assist the being that is the planet. Assist the sacred elements that are different

Celestial Seed for Alexa Person Notes: I think this is not one of your sons with Ahy to be honest. This being is something else entirely! It feels very advanced

First Earth civilization – other lifestream of Alexa Person and her Twin Flame Ahy Notes: When I started on this I was as usual aiming to connect to ET counterparts

Galactic Family of Luis Jorge Notes: All I can say is WOW. These beings are amazing!!! According to them, this image should trigger some memories for you. They are very

Done for Cosmic Disclosure episodes on Gaia.

Lyran star family member for Yogi George Stanboulieh The profile version is bonus, because it is important to see they don’t really have human shaped faces/ heads, and that can

Lyran star family member for Yogi George Stanboulieh Notes: Q: Any sign / symbol / family signature / hand sign ? A: Gyan mudra felt the most resonant, but from

Rak Teh for client Notes: I usually don’t get names but sometimes they come through, and this was very surprising because I got it so clear I really couldn’t make