Tim’s Hybrid Son

Tim Fawzy’s Hybrid son Please check out Tim’s Youtube channel featuring channeled sessions where you can learn more about his hybrid son!

Jorge’s hybrid daughters

Hybrid daughters of Jorge Ibanez

Solar entities

Solar entities for a client Notes: This is a star collective consciousness as well as individual beings. They don’t look like this but have chosen to be depicted like this

Older than Milky Way

Galactic connection of Chi-Yin Notes: This being is one of many of their race that are connected to you. They belong to a highly advanced civilization that is possibly even

33rd parallel and reptilian

33rd parallel counterpart of Claire Emma Brydon, and her Reptilian connection Notes: She is some kind of a shapeshifter, not too unlike Willa Hillicrissing. A trickster being in a most

Ramulek and Amok

Ramulek and Amok – king and his son of the Ramulek race, for client. They are 4-5 meters tall. They are moving towards the 6th density experience and assisting dozens


Connection of Jason Firth Notes: Initially I thought she was YahYel, but when I started working on her some Sassani traits started emerging. I am not sure about her specific

Shadow Being

Done for Cosmic Disclosure episodes on Gaia.


Done for Cosmic Disclosure episodes on Gaia.

Mantis Beings

Galactic connections of Lauri Poldre Notes: It all revolves around sound and cymatics blueprints. First thing I got was the man. The man is a shaman of some kind, working
