Another portrait of Shayla for Jason Frith. You can find more of her depictions in the Commissions section.

Jason Frith’s Hybrid Daughter She is about 17 years old in our perception, very graceful, intelligent, serious and loving being, pretty shy as well. She is connected to swan energies

A quick render / touch up of a dream memory I had fairly recently where I was shown a picture of these guys. I am busy working on other projects

One of my sleep state memories from a few years ago… I don’t remember much of it except that I was in a long long conversation with 3 ETs looking

Entity in Deborah’s oversoul, as described by Aridif: “The fairy concept is brought forward from many different tales, many different legends passed down from the earth’s history. But, in accordance

Jesse Webb’s counterpart from the YahYel civilization

(excerpted from Journey through the Arcturian Corridor by Jefferson Viscardi, channeled by Suzanne Lie) “Arcturian Corridor is a tunnel of light, which serves as an inter-dimensional portal into the fifth

This was done specifically for Iveta Halanová, who deeply connects with her. Shayla continuously assists connections between the YahYel and humans, and works a lot with Hybrid Children as well.

Morkul are one of the ancient reptilian groups who are branching off of Draconian Empire’s influence. They are quite dark, and they are holding a perspective that everything exists to

Done for Cosmic Disclosure episodes on Gaia.