Energy representations of some of the races residing around the Sirius star systems.

Red marks on her face are to show her rank in diplomacy. Her skin is iridescent and she has a very high standing among others. Last I know she was

Done for Cosmic Disclosure episodes on Gaia.

One of my Arcturian counterparts from the collective I communicate with since my childhood.

Klaritas is my principal spirit guide. It is a non physical being who is neither male nor female. Its expression / appearance is almost identical to my Higher Self.

Plagnor is a member of Andaars race. They are a benevolent hybrid race working with humans involved in the Hybrid Children program (taking DNA samples). They only work with people

KALASK are one of the ancient reptilian groups who are branching off of Draconian Empire to explore a more balanced perspective. They have also decided to assist humans in balancing

Jason Frith’s Hybrid Children family with Shayla of the YahYel Children from left to right: Tom: Feline-human hybrid, he is very independent and charming, and interested in healing and DNA