Keepers of the Tree – for Joshua T. Notes for the client: Ok, so this is what I am getting, take it with a grain of salt as always, as

Galactic connection of Laurelle Notes for the client: It is very hard for me to find words in this experience. She embodies such beauty and grace, and her energy is

Galactic connection for Eri Notes for the client: At first I saw him from a distance. Standing on a cliff, between the sea and the jungle. His hair and robe

ET Hybrid connections of Shelley Notes for the client: One of these beings is your counterpart in a hybrid civilization. I cannot say with certainty which one, there are so

Galactic connection for Nathaniel (& message to humanity) Channeling: “The benefactor of this conduit expressed an intentionaity towards good for all. We are answering this calling at this time as

Sirius guides of Honovi Strongdeer They are incorporeal (like the background lights and orbs), but have chosen to come through this way, one out of many (and many as one),

Mirror of your soul – for Monica Notes for the client: She is so beautiful I can hardly find words. I will try to translate what I am feeling from

Mikayel – Orion connection for Steve Notes for the client: Ohh this one is so mysterious. Definitely Orion related. You have mentioned that you connect to a lifetime where your

Sirius reflections for Mercedes Notes for the client: This being is connected to Sirius energies and is an aquatic being (obviously lol). It is a bit challenging for me to

Nasir, hybrid son of Nuhar Notes for the client: Nasir! But also, Periwinkle. He explained to me that this his how him and his little sister love calling themselves –