Bella, ET Hybrid, channeled by Gita Rose Please watch this for more info and Bella’s channeling message to me about her looks.

Galactic connection of Leslie Notes for the client: This being has shown me that she was appearing to you in many lifetimes, when you were still a child. Probably since

Tolsckaa, Pleiadian from Maia star system, galactic family of Angi

Zohnea – connection of Mark Her race are hybrids of the Nords and a race called Kior. From what I understand they are from an area of Andromeda galaxy. Illustration

Sirius connection for Gila He is your Sirius connection and your counterpart in that civilization / consciousness. When I first “saw” him, he was bowing slightly towards you and holding

Lambda for Justin She is your guide and teacher, and brings Andromedan energies to the forefront. I was not told anything, all of it was a visual presentation filled with

Alexandra’s Future Self, member of the Future Human race on Earth He came through with so much light, I was hardly able to make out his features. At first I

Asher and Aldanea – Atlantean connections of William and his wife I am not getting any messages from these beings, but I am getting some information about them. This is

I was testing out some new models and came up with my own interpretation of Inner Earth species of intelligent reptiles (raptors) Corey Goode was talking about.

Lightwarrior aspect of Marc Morris Notes for the client: Well, you asked for it and here it is! The way you worded it, “lightwarrior aspect of my higher self” really