The Ancient for a client Notes: I don’t know how to define or explain this being, so I will just call it Ancient. This is an energy that was preset

Kor’Rah for Ry Notes for the client: This is a very magnetic connection you have been made aware of at the point of your life when you both resonated with

Aleiyah, the Pleiadian for Janna Hopman Message from her to the client: “Welcome, from my heart to yours. Over the rainbow bridge. So many times we have met ourselves, and

Delldie, Arcturian guide, for Janna Hopman Message from him for the client: “We greet you. The undertow of the current reaches out to many but the picture it paints in

Commander Kayus for Juanita His message for the client: “Conviction. You know this. You KNOW.. this. Remember all the times you felt insecure? But you were really not. All it

Diana’s Guides Notes for the client: First came the female energy. I kept feeling -principal guide-, in a sense that she is the proactive energy out of three that showed

Hybrid counterpart of Lavinia Notes for the client: I am writing this as I am getting it from her. She’s upstream from you. Future hybridized human. The way they live

Naiad for Debbie Notes for the client: What a surprise to communicate with a nature sprite! She is some sort of a “Naiad” – a female nature spirit, otherdimensional presence

Sirius connection for Laurence Notes for the client: Anjali mudra. Ancient days on Earth. Sirius teacher energy. She is one of the way-showers. There is an aquatic connection. I first

Crystalline beings for Linda Notes for the client: First I have to say, I’ve never made anything like this, and I don’t even know how I did it! This consciousness..